Correction Policy

At Jigyasazone, we value accuracy and transparency in our reporting. If we publish incorrect information, we are dedicated to promptly correcting it and keeping our readers informed. Our Corrections Policy details our procedures for fixing mistakes and maintaining the integrity of our content.

Our Commitment: Jigyasazone strives to provide accurate and comprehensive news reports based on the information available at the time of publication. We take responsibility for correcting any errors and promptly informing our audience of the corrections.

Updating a Report:
  • We clearly indicate when a story has been updated for corrections, clarifications, or additional information.
  • For significant corrections, we display a correction notice at the top of the article, stating the updated information.
  • We encourage community members to suggest corrections via email or through the designated section on our website.

We promptly publish substantive corrections to articles, photo captions, headlines, graphics, videos, or other materials, with an explanation for the change.

  • When factual accuracy is maintained but clarity or detail is lacking, we provide clarification within the story to address ambiguities.
  • Clarifications may also acknowledge the inclusion of new information or perspectives.
Editor’s Notes:
  • Corrections raising significant ethical concerns or questioning the substance of an article may require an editor’s note, providing further context or explanation.
  • Editor’s notes are approved by senior editors and added to the story to address underlying issues.
Other Corrections Policies:
  • Errors identified by readers in comments are acknowledged and corrected by our community engagement team.
  • Incorrect information shared on social media platforms is promptly corrected or retracted as necessary.
  • We do not blame individual reporters or editors for errors.
Reporting Inaccuracies:
  • Readers are encouraged to report inaccuracies via the ‘Suggest A Correction’ section at the end of each web story or by emailing our editorial team directly.
  • We take reader feedback seriously and promptly investigate reported inaccuracies.
Take-down Requests:
  • As an editorial policy, we do not entertain take-down requests. Instead, we investigate claims of inaccuracy and publish corrections if necessary.
  • Fairness considerations may prompt updates or follow-ups on previous coverage, but removing published articles is not standard practice.
Content Modification:
  • We use AI tools for content modification and correction, ensuring swift and accurate updates.
  • Corrections or requests for content modification can be submitted via email, and we will promptly make the necessary changes.

At Jigyasazone, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity and accountability. Our Corrections Policy reflects our dedication to accuracy and transparency in our reporting. If you need to suggest a correction, please email the story link and correction details to